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  • Registrerad 2004-09-05
  • Senast aktiv 2006-07-21
  • Antal inlägg 251


De senaste inläggen didier har skrivit i forumet.

Behedwin, you should find this link useful:

There are links to the manufacturers under each image.

Just announced HERE with pic! Going to be expensive in Europe, though, if they're $500 in the US...

Really like the new site design, by the way. Very nicely done!

Here's a simple way to get better signal range from an Airport Express: Link.

New security hole discovered in iTunes..LINK

Ursprungligen av Rickard A:

För att undvika sarkasm-missförstånd vill jag bara påpeka att jag verkligen tyckte det var kul.

Vågat, kul och inte Apple-präktigt.

Understood and agreed!

Yeah but it's tough to stop watching it!

Ursprungligen av klääjs:

Har ddu eller nån annan erfarenhet av att ladda ner spel till den och att installera ipodlinux etc. ? Finns det några risker m.m. ? Förklara för mig, har aldrig laddat ner sånt till min nano ...

klääjs, if you're on Mac you should read this thread: Mac Guide To Installing iPod Linux.

Hope you find it useful.

It's supposed to be a bit fiddly to control the game via the nano controls but it works. I haven't personally tried it as I rarely play games of that sort but it sure looks cool.

Ursprungligen av klääjs:

huh ? Går det att ladda hem så att man kan spela det på Nano ?

Yes, it works on the nano, too, but you'll need to install iPodLinux first:

Yup, has now changed to (iPod & portable audio studio).

The old URL will always work but redirects to

You can guess why they did that..I personally think that Apple are shooting themselves in the foot, but you can understand them protecting their trademark, I guess.