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  • Plats International user
  • Registrerad 2007-02-16
  • Senast aktiv 2007-05-29
  • Antal inlägg 5


De senaste inläggen ivanbrezakbrkan har skrivit i forumet.


@bAld: Ja sam ti iz Zagreba, ali doduše ljetujem na Krku...

@boris: Tack!

@Sventa: Leave it to me to forget the obvious!

Senast redigerat 2007-05-28 17:57

First, thanks for the welcomes....

@Robban: Jag lyssnar på metal, punk och rock (ACDS, Azra, Apocalyptica, Dream Theater, Bob Marley, Flogging Molly, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Megadeth, osv.).

@BosnianX & bALd: Bogami, ima nas "balkanaca" Smijem pitati otkud vi u Svedskoj, itd.? Bas sam radoznao...

One other question, are there any swedish Internet TV stations. I tried but it's streamed in WMP and RealPlayer formats. Argh! Quicktime?

@macwitty: Tack!

@boris: Actually - we have a lot of recording - that's why I know it's a fu*ked up accent (in a good way obcourse). Well have a Swede in our actual language class next year. This year we had a Croat who speaks swedish - the problem is that he always seems to overdo the accent. Thankfully, there are Swedes studying at my university so I'm looking forward to meeting some of them to try to "hack" my swedish.

Thanks for the SVT link, I do have high speed cable so that's not a problem. Maybe I'll need to cut down on Torrents from TPB, but hey!

As for the marketshare of Macs in Sweden. I work as a new media and IT journalist for a tech magazine here - so I'm quite interested in how Apple is doing in Sweden?

Thanks guys!

No truly Mac related podcasts? Something like the Maccast or MacBreak weekly, just in swedish? *still hoping*

Honestly, swedish isn't that hard - I'm just lazy. Basically the grammar isn't hard, but the accent is a little, well, wierd! I have to put a "Excuse my bad swedish" in my sig!

Hi guys and gals,

I'm Ivan, a student of sociology and swedish at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. As well as a wannabe Swede, I am a Mac fanatic (I even wrote a research paper about Apple ). I've been trying really hard to learn swedish but I've realized that the best way I can learn it is by listening and watching various things that I can relate to... So, is there any swedish podcast about Macs, technology or web design/development - topics that I basically know the context of. I haven't had a lot of luck with though. Anyway's, I'll be reading up on this forum, trying to make sense of what you guys and gals are talking about :). Here are some photos from a small meetup of the students of swedish in Zagreb.

Thanks in advance,