• Medlem
  • 2011-12-04 12:02

Jag har ett skript för InDesign som låter användaren ångra ur en lista. Detta fungerar bra när jag kör skriptet självt, men när det körs inifrån en script bundle av en "caller" kan InD inte ångra.
Jag bifogar en fungerande och en icke fungerande version.


set myPathToMe to path to me as Unicode text
tell me to set text item delimiters to ":"
set myName to text item -2 of myPathToMe
tell me to set text item delimiters to ""
set myScriptFolderPath to (path to resource "Scripts") as Unicode text
set myMainScript to alias (myScriptFolderPath & "main2.scpt")
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
        set myDocName to name of document 1
    on error
        set myDocName to "[no document]"
    end try
    set myResult to (do script myMainScript undo name myName undo mode entire script)
end tell


set myExceptions to {"Update PageDateline Boxes", "Shuffle Pages", "Modify Section Settings"}
set myL to {}
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
    set myDoc to active document
    tell myDoc
        set myHistoryList to undo history
        repeat with I from 1 to count myHistoryList
            set end of myL to (I & ". " & item I of myHistoryList) as Unicode text
        end repeat
        if myHistoryList is not {} then
            set myChoice to choose from list myL with prompt "Till och med vilket moment vill du ångra?" & return & "Det senaste momentet har nummer 1."
            if myChoice is not false then
                tell me to set text item delimiters to "."
                set myNumber to text item 1 of item 1 of myChoice
                tell me to set text item delimiters to ". "
                if text item -1 of item 1 of myChoice is not in myExceptions then
                    repeat myNumber times
                        on error err
                            display dialog err
                        end try
                    end repeat
                    display alert "Ogiltigt val."
                end if
            end if
            display alert "Je ne regrette rien!"
        end if
    end tell
end tell