apples leverantör säger att kamera komponenten är tillgänglig nu..dvs säga kan komma på marknaden 2011. jag bara spekulerar men om man får RAW i telefon kameran så kommer apple kunna fixa mycket med mjukvara både on the fly och efteråt. hoppas.. på omnivions hemsida pratas även om en full HD och 8? MP på samma chip 10x10 mm. 2011 som sagt.


OmniVision Offers the Industry's Widest Product Portfolio

As the mobile camera phone market has grown to over one billion units a year, it has also become widely segmented, ranging from high-end camera phones, which are more like a camera with a phone, to phones offering extremely low resolution cameras. To be a complete supplier, OmniVision offers a wide portfolio of sensors dedicated for mobile phones that spans from CIF to 9-megapixels in a variety of optical formats from 1/13" to 1/2.3".

Available Now
OmniBSI™ 1.75 µm and 1.4 µm family

OV14810 - 14.6-megapixel RAW sensor for DSC and very high-end mobile phones

OV8810 - 8-megapixel RAW sensor for high-performance mobile phone and DSC

OV5650 - 5-megapixel RAW sensor for high-performance mobile phones and DSC

OV5642 - 5-megapixel RAW sensor for mass market mobile phones

OV2665 - 2-megapixel SoC sensor for mass market mobile phones