Svenska inUseful har gjort ett användbarhetstest av iPhone där de ställer den mot några andra lurar. Deras rapport är gratis och finns att hämta hem som ett PDF-dokument (iPhone:So... does the iPhone live up to it's hype?) PDF 874 KB

Saxat ur rapporten:
[…]Another user said about the different devices
that “Apple is right on target! They make
entertainment. These are just the same crap as
usual [about the other phones].”

What is it that makes the iPhone so enjoyable?
Obviously there are many answers to this, but
the fact is that all devices provide the same basic
functionality, but most of it passes unnoticed on
the other devices. The iPhone is different in at
least three aspects:

Transparency. What you see when you start
the iPhone is pretty much what you get.
There are no hidden applications. It’s a
matter of seconds until the user has
understood the whole range of services and

Accessibility. There is no deep menu system,
one touch is often enough to get to where
the user wants. There is no digging down in
lists or shifting focus across different icons.

Seduction. Simply browsing the user
interface is quite enjoyable. The bright, high
resolution screen, the smooth animations, all
the subtle but informative sounds and the
attention put into the graphic details all
contribute to the positive impression of the

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