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Apple hoppar av MW Expo 2004

Tråden skapades och har fått 8 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Apple har bestämt sig för att hoppa av Macworld mässa i Boston i juli 2004. Mässan skulle ursprungligen hållas i New York, men IDG ändrade sig, mot Apples ösnkemål, och beslutade att mässan istället kommer att hållas i Boston. Den årliga Mac-mässan på den amerikanska västkusten; Macworld San Francisco i januari berörs inte av detta.

Saxat från MacNN;
"Apple snubs IDG, declines to go to Boston
Apple today said it would not attend Macworld Expo 2004 in Boston (after the official announcement came today) and that it would reevaluate its plans to attend Macworld Expo New York next year, although it would continue support the West Coast Expo in San Francisco. MacNN was forwarded a carefully worded Apple statement submitted to select media outlets: "Today IDG announced plans to move Macworld New York to Boston in July of 2004. Apple disagrees with this decision, and will not be participating in Macworld Boston. Since IDG is no longer investing in New York, we now need to re-evaluate our participation in Macworld New York 2003. Apple will continue to participate in Macworld San Francisco in January."


Länk till artikel på Wired.

Men, men...jag hade tänkt att gå då ju!

Va farao skall jag göra nu?!?

*En ledsen Gambit*

  • Medlem
  • Huskvarna
  • 2002-10-18 09:36

quote:Skapades ursprungligen av: Gambit:
Men, men...jag hade tänkt att gå då ju!

Va farao skall jag göra nu?!?

*En ledsen Gambit*

Seså seså, Bruins e ju bättre än Rangers så då e väl alternativet till mässa klart???

  • Medlem
  • Lund
  • 2002-10-18 09:56

Vad fan håller de på med!?

  • Oregistrerad
  • 2002-10-18 10:02

men vad nu.
jag ska ju vara 45 min från boston då, och så är inte apple där.

  • Medlem
  • Mölndal
  • 2002-10-18 10:34

Och jag som har på mig min Boston MacWorld Expo 94 T-tröja idag oxo...

Brukar åka över varje år varje år sedan 88 (utom ett) till MacWold Expot på östkusten, hur skall man göra nu då?

(Jag tror att IDG och Apple kommer fram till en bra lösning)


Think Secret har en artikel om händelsen:

According to sources not a part of either IDG or Apple but close to the negotiations with convention organizing groups in New York and Boston, IDG had received a vote of confidence from Apple to move the show to Boston some two weeks ago and that the about-face by Apple was "a shock to everyone," a source said. "We were told Apple was on board and would endorse the move because they had been sold on the idea that it would save everyone money. For them to turn around and do this left everyone wondering what the hell had happened."

Sources believe Apple had firmly endorsed the move. "If they didn´t want the show moved, then why didn´t they say something before now? They had every opportunity." A source was confident that IDG had gotten a green light from Apple, "or they wouldn´t have signed a three-year deal with the city of Boston and the city´s new convention center to host Macworld. Without Apple the show might as well not happen. IDG knows that and they aren´t that stupid."

Läs hela artikeln här:
Apple´s snub of Expo a "negotiating tactic," sources say

Låter onekligen mycket märkligt, vi får hoppas att Apple ändrar sig.

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